Truth/Word - Ps.138:2

We value the Bible as the infallible word of God given to men inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Presence - Ps. 16:11

We believe that the Holy spirit fills and refills us, each time transforming our walk and relationship with Him as we practice His presence.

Healing/Deliverance - Matthew 10:8

We are committed to operating through the power of Christ to heal the sick and to assist in the freedom of all that seek deliverance.

Honor - Ephesians 5-6

We are a movement of Believers that strive to see others in their God-given identities.

Equipping & Discipleship - Col 128:2

We are committed to the teaching, training, and preparing of people for their kingdom assignments.

Servant Leadership - Matthew 20:25-28

We know that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, give His life as a ransom for many so it's through this model that we lead in the Kingdom.


We are a movement committed to the love and unity among people of many cultures, races, and Nations together in Christ. Our commandment from Jesus is to reach "all nations" with the Gospel so we strive to combat the divisiveness of racism. 


People of all ages are needed to build a healthy body. We are passionate about reaching and empowering families, youth, children, young professionals, and elders because as we read the bible, we see all generations are essential for effective disciple-making.

Sending - Matt. 9:37-38

We are intentional to launch people into their calling, whether its ministry or marketplace everyone has an assignment.